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发布时间:2024-10-01 14:54:02 分类:产品二类 点击量:968
本文摘要:The two-year contract is essentially dead, and carriers have replaced it with lots of confusing new ways to buy a new smartphone. From financing plans to leasing options to early upgrade contracts, each new plan adds another layer of complexity to the process of buying a smartphone and selecting a data plan. (And if you dont want to deal with figuring out all the details, the most appealing option is to buy your new smartphone outright.) Plans have gotten complicated enough that its not always obvious when youre paying too much for the service youre getting, and there are far too many hidden ways for carriers to charge you too much when youre buying a smartphone or choosing a data plan.两年合约制早已寿终正寝,自私的运营商发售了一系列令人眼花缭乱的购机计划。

The two-year contract is essentially dead, and carriers have replaced it with lots of confusing new ways to buy a new smartphone. From financing plans to leasing options to early upgrade contracts, each new plan adds another layer of complexity to the process of buying a smartphone and selecting a data plan. (And if you dont want to deal with figuring out all the details, the most appealing option is to buy your new smartphone outright.) Plans have gotten complicated enough that its not always obvious when youre paying too much for the service youre getting, and there are far too many hidden ways for carriers to charge you too much when youre buying a smartphone or choosing a data plan.两年合约制早已寿终正寝,自私的运营商发售了一系列令人眼花缭乱的购机计划。分期缴纳购机计划,出租合约,以旧换新合约,消费者选配智能手机和流量套餐的过程显得更加简单(不不愿酬劳脑筋算数?必要买部新的智能手机就好了)。运营商靠着越发简单的购机计划隐密地从你身上多赚。这些家伙在获取合约购机计划和流量套餐时还有许多背后的赚手段。

下面本文将为你揭发运营商额外收费的七大秘密:1.Adding hidden fees to your bills1.将隐蔽费用加到到你的账单上Carriers have become notorious for adding unauthorized fees to your monthly bill, charging you for services that you didnt sign up for or didnt even receive. As the FCC reported recently, the practice, referred to as cramming, has affected tens of millions of American households. The agency noted, Smartphones are sophisticated handheld devices that enable consumers to shop online from wherever they are or charge app purchases to their phone bills. The more your mobile phone bill begins to resemble a credit card bill, the more difficult it may become to spot unauthorized charges. From service charges to voicemail fees, charges as low as a dollar or two can appear on your bill for years at a time — which means that its important to look at your bill each month and ensure that you recognize all the charges.运营商早就因种种各项予以审核的收费而臭名昭著,消费者有可能显然不曾享用过某种服务,却仍要为此掏腰包。美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)近日公布的报告中将此不道德称作植入收费,全美千万户的家庭颇受影响。委员会尤其认为智能手机归属于仪器的可携带设备,消费者可随时随地展开网上购物或缴纳其手机应用于上产生的费用。

倘若消费者的手机账单更加像信用卡账单,那么找到这些予以审核的费用也将更加艰难。像服务费以及语音邮件酬劳等等只有一两美元的费用如果数年间每次都经常出现在你的账单上,那么你有适当检查自己的月度账单,保证每笔花费都实至名归。2.Convincing you to pay for more data than you need2.劝说你为比你必须的更好的信息买单Data charges account for a large proportion of carriers revenue, so many want to make sure that youre buying an ample amount of data monthly (though they dont mind when they get to collect overage fees, either). Carriers most valuable customers are those who pay more than 100 dollars or even 200 dollars for their service every month, and companies are always willing to upgrade to you to a higher-priced data plan. But before you increase your monthly bill to get more data, check out how much data you really use each month so that you can avoid paying for lots of data thats going to go unused.对运营商而言,消费者出售流量多多益善,因为缴纳流量费用乃是收益的最重要来源(尽管对套餐外流量展开收费后,这件事他们之后不怎么上心了)运营商的金主就是那些每月不愿花上上100到200美元出售流量的消费者。运营商期望消费者升级自己的流量套餐。

但请求谨记,要求升级流量套餐前应先证实自己每月用于的明确流量,怕买了许多流量到月底却用不完。3.Charging more than the retail price for a phone via payment plans3.合约手机收更多的钱On plans that enable you to pay the cost of your brand-new smartphone over the space of months or years, you should always calculate the total of those monthly payments and make sure that they add up. The total cost should match the retail price of the phone; if its significantly more than what the phone would cost to buy up-front, then youre paying too much for the privilege of paying for the phone gradually instead of all at once.参予了合约购机计划,消费者可以在几个月或几年内分期付款出售一部崭新的手机。这时消费者应该将每月缴付额相乘,计算出来一下能否获得适当金额。缴付总额不应与手机零售价非常,而如果每月缴付总额比必要买手机花上得多,那么为了省钱分期付款反而得不偿失。

4.Convincing you to upgrade to a new phone every year4.劝说你每年升级一部新手机Early upgrade plans, particularly those with short contracts, can be a good choice if youve been upgrading to a new phone every year, and intend to continue doing so. But if you dont really need a new smartphone each year, signing up for an early upgrade plan is a great way to spend a lot more money than necessary. If you really want a new phone every year, it generally works out better to purchase your phone outright and sell it to finance the purchase of the newest model. As with every plan offered by your carrier, you need to thoroughly evaluate how much its going to cost you in the long-term, and whether youll really benefit by trading in your old phone instead of reselling it yourself.以旧换新套餐,特别是在是短期的以旧换新套餐,对那些每年要换新手机的人算是是上佳自由选择。不过如果你需要每年都替换手机,参与这项计划还知道是多花钱的好法子。若你想要年年用上新手机,那就必要卖一部手机,想换新机时再行使出变卖,再行卯些钱去卖新机。面临运营商获取的套餐,你不应细心核算长年成本,到底是替换旧机更加适合还是自己变卖更加适合。

5.Keeping your bill the same even after your phone is paid off5.付清费用之后之后缴纳某种程度的费用If you plan to buy a smartphone and keep it for longer than the period of time it takes to pay off completely, then youll need to carefully read the terms of your agreement with your carrier. In some cases, your monthly bill will automatically decrease once youve paid off the retail price of your phone. But in other cases, your carrier will continue to charge you the same amount, even after youve had your phone long enough to pay its entire retail price. Its one of the most annoying ways that carriers can get you to pay more than you should.如果消费者在付清分期费用后想要之后用于这款手机,之后必需仔细阅读协议条款了。有些协议规定消费者在付清费用后,每个月的费用不会自动增加。然而其余协议则规定,即使付清了费用,运营商每个月还是不会之后缴纳完全相同的费用。

此举也是运营商最令人沮丧的多赚的方式。6.Not matching deals and discounts on top smartphones6.在顶级智能手机上没优惠While it often seems easiest to buy a smartphone directly from your carrier, it pays to investigate whether you can find the same smartphone offered at a better price elsewhere. Promotions and discounts are offered both by smartphone manufacturers themselves and by trusted retailers like Amazon, so its worth a quick Google search to see if theres a better deal that your carrier isnt matching.必要从运营商处买手机是最便利的,可是花上点时间去别处找找否有价钱更加适合的同款机型是有益处的。手机厂商以及像亚马逊这样信誉较好的零售商常常不会发售折扣和广告宣传活动。

只需在谷歌搜寻上用力一点,往往能找到在运营商那里去找将近的优惠价格。7.Charging exorbitant early termination fees (and more)7.缴纳过低的提早中止费Many carriers charge early termination fees when you want to switch carriers before your contract is up or your phone is paid off. Even if your carrier doesnt charge an early termination fee, per se, you should pay attention to the terms of your service if you anticipate having to switch carriers in the near future. If youre paying your phone off over a period of a couple of years, youll end up having to pay off the remainder of its price all at once if you leave your carrier early. That means that you should thoroughly investigate your carriers coverage and service before committing to a plan that will keep you locked in.如果消费者在合约中止或付清费用前想要替换运营商,此前的运营商往往不会缴纳一笔叫作提早终止服务费的费用。




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